Firefly Shop | Always & Forever Con - August 2023

Firefly Shop | Always & Forever Con - August 2023

My First Con Experience: Always and Forever Con 2023 in Conyers, Georgia

Everyone, picture this: It's August 2023, and I'm strolling down the streets of Conyers, Georgia, practically buzzing with excitement and a bit of nerves. Why, you might ask? Because I'm on my way to my very first TVDU convention! It’s been a dream of mine for ages, and we were actually here; we made it! Not only was it a chance to meet fellow fans of The Originals, but it was also an incredible opportunity to connect with those who have supported my small business journey.

As a devoted fan of The Originals, a popular supernatural drama series, I was thrilled to learn that some of the actors from the show would be in attendance. The thought of meeting them in person was overwhelming. However, what I didn't anticipate was the sense of community that filled the entire event.

One of the highlights of the convention was the opportunity to showcase my small business. As a small business owner, I had been pouring my heart and soul into my products and designs, and being able to share it with die-hard Originals fans like myself was incredibly rewarding.

Interacting with customers and fellow fans alike, I was overwhelmed by the support and encouragement I received. It was humbling to see people appreciate my work and connect over our shared love for The Originals. Whether it was exchanging stories about our favorite moments from the show or bonding over our love for the actors, the sense of community was apparent.

Of course, one of the highlights of Always and Forever Con was the chance to meet the stars of The Originals up close and personal. From autograph signings to photo ops, the lineup of celebrity guests was nothing short of impressive. Meeting actors whose performances had captivated me on screen was an unforgettable experience, and their warmth and enthusiasm only added to the magic of the event.

Beyond the celebrity appearances and vendor booths, Always and Forever Con also offered a diverse array of panels and workshops covering everything from behind-the-scenes insights into the making of The Originals to discussions about the show's impact on popular culture. It was fascinating to hear from industry professionals and fellow fans alike, and I came away with a newfound appreciation for the artistry and creativity that go into bringing a beloved series to life.

As the weekend drew to a close and I reluctantly bid farewell to Always and Forever Con, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unforgettable experience. Not only had I fulfilled a lifelong dream of attending a convention dedicated to one of my favorite shows, but I had also forged meaningful connections with fellow fans along the way.

Always and Forever Con 2023 will always hold a special place in my heart as the start of new friendships, creative inspiration, and cherished memories.

~ Isabelle M.

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